Learning disability refers to a condition in which an individual has difficulty with oral or written language, including difficulties with understanding, speaking, reading, writing, or using language in a socially appropriate manner. This can include conditions such as developmental language disorder, dyslexia, aphasia, and others. Treatment may involve speech therapy, special education, and other supportive measures.


The signs of Learning disability can vary depending on the individual and the specific condition, but some common signs include:
  • Late or slow development of speech or language skills compared to peers
  • Difficulty understanding or following spoken language
  • Struggles with expressing thoughts or ideas in speech or writing
  • Inability to remember or use appropriate vocabulary
  • Difficulty with rhyming, syllables, or sounds in words
  • Struggles with reading, including decoding, comprehension, or fluency
  • Difficulty with writing, including spelling, grammar, or organizing ideas
  • Problems with social communication, such as difficulty following social rules or understanding nonverbal cues
  • Mixing up words or using made-up words
If you suspect a Learning disability, it is important to seek professional evaluation from a speech-language pathologist or another relevant healthcare professional.
At AFL Canada Inc., we will conduct an extensive comprehensive assessment to determine the type of difficulty, the severity, as well as the diagnosis related to the speech and language difficulties. A detailed report will be completed along with a treatment plan specific to each individual’s needs.

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